Remote Researching

Research Continuity at Illinois

Research at the University of Illinois is an essential component of our shared vision. Supporting our researchers and ensuring a safe return to on-site and field-based research activities remains a top priority.


Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation

The OVCRI provides leadership and oversight for research at Illinois. Listed below are OVCRI resources specific to research during campus shutdowns.

Research Continuity Resources

Campus Research IT

This site is a portal that congregates trainings and opportunities focused on research technology. It has a robust listing of technology resources and services offered to University of Illinois researchers.

Campus Safety Information – Division of Research Safety

This resource provides guidance on online safety training, health monitoring and supplies, hygiene and disinfection, laboratory and group safety, and research compliance. Consult the Safe Conduct of Essential Research Activities for more specific information.

Innovation and COVID-19

This resource focuses on supporting researchers who are specifically researching COVID-19 and/or its impact. It advises on proposals and compliance, and also provides a list of funding opportunities for COVID-related projects.

Other Research Resources

This office aims to support undergraduates interested in conducting research. They provide guides on how to get started in research and how to find funding.